Monday, January 17, 2011

And so it begins...

My husband is downstairs playing a football game on our Wii next to my daughter who is building with wooden alphabet blocks, while I am finally sitting down to start this blog - something I've been toying with for quite a while. Despite the calming sound of Billie Holiday playing on iTunes, I am sitting at our computer a little nervous, anxious and very excited about starting a new chapter in my life.

I have spent many happy hours reading wonderfully written and entertaining blogs about a very particular subject: the joy of crafting. For me, craft + life = happiness. So I thought I'd share a glimpse of my craft and my life with the world.

My craft? Knitting. I. Love. Knitting. I could go on for hours on the subject, and believe me, I will in future posts by revealing what's on my needles, sharing new designs, describing beautiful yarns and discussing the general wonderfulness of this soul-soothing skill. So stay tuned!

My life? A daily adventure of balancing my passion for caring for my family (one husband, one toddler and two step-cats) and finding time throughout the day to delight in all things domestic (cooking, baking, gardening, sewing and knitting).

I hope you will come back again and again to read posts and share comments with me. Most of all, I hope by reading this blog, you will feel inspired to find ways to incorporate your craft or passion in your daily life.

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